Last year, 2017 ended with several high-end Bollywood stars wedding. One of them was the lead actor of Yeh Hai Mohabbatein Sangram’s wedding which stunned everyone. He tied the knot with Gurkiran Kaur from Norway on 19th December.
The wedding was an arranged marriage and held according to Punjabi traditions and rituals in the groom’s hometown, Amritsar.
Also read Divyanka Tripathi and Vivek Dahiya: Wedding Affair to Remember
The wedding was attended by the close relatives, Yeh Hai Mohabbatein co-stars, and dear friends Aly Goni and Krishna Mukherjee.
The day before the wedding, the groom arranged a grand cocktail party and Mehandi function.
All guests danced to the latest Bollywood numbers round the clock.
The wedding was an arranged marriage and held according to Punjabi traditions and rituals in the groom’s hometown, Amritsar.
The wedding was attended by the close relatives, Yeh Hai Mohabbatein co-stars, and dear friends Aly Goni and Krishna Mukherjee.
The day before the wedding, the groom arranged a grand cocktail party and Mehandi function.
All guests danced to the latest Bollywood numbers round the clock.
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