The most promising face of one of the energetic Tollywood actors Havish celebrated his birthday on 25 June. He is the grandson of Koneru Laksmaiah. In 2011 he started off his career with the lead role in the romantic comedy film Nuvvilaa under Ravibabu’s direction.
Havish was dressed in a modest clothing of ripped jeans and casual black and white checked shirt.
Havish’s cake was dressed in almond slivers and topped with fresh fruits and flowers made of white chocolate. Many dignitaries wished him and presented him with bouquets as gifts.
They all even assisted him in cutting the cake! After he cut the cake, everyone fed him a slice of the cake and wished him luck.
Everyone was all smiles as they posed for photos after photos taken by the media persons who were present. Havish thanked everyone for making the event special with their presence.
The organizers too took to the stage and wished Havish a bright future. They bestowed their good wishes upon him for his upcoming film Vasta Nee Venuka. It is a Telugu movie scheduled to be released in 2018. They wished him success for his career in the film industry.
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