Rajinikanth, the Thalaivar of Indian cinema has been unstoppable. Sivaji Rao Gaekwad, better known as Rajinikanth or Rajini by his fans, has left a stellar mark on the film industry. Starting off as a bus conductor to now being the ruler of so many hearts, Rajinikanth’s journey has been no less than a movie. Latha Rangachari is the lady who has stayed with him while the script played out. She is the woman behind the successful man that Rajini is today.
Latha interviewed Rajinikanth for her college magazine and that’s when the superstar fell in love with the damsel. They married in Tirupati on 26th February 1981 and have completed 36 years of blissful marriage this year.
Fans flooded his Chennai residence on his special day to celebrate the momentous occasion.
Equipped with posters and statues, the fans could hardly contain their excitement. Their preparation indicated at how they had meticulously planned out the event. Unable to celebrate the megastars 66th birthday due to the sad demise of J. Jayalalithaa, the fans ensured that the anniversary celebration is carried out in an even grander fashion.
The couple is blessed with two daughters, Aishwarya Dhanush and Soundarya Rajinikanth.
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