The famous South Indian actor Kamal Hassan made his political debut at the age of 63. His team made clear that there won't be any grand celebration on this birthday. Kamal Hassan later tweeted explaining the reason to be the heavy rains which are affecting the local residents.
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He visited the medical camps run by his fan club and met the people affected by the adverse raining conditions. Apart from this, he also launched his whistleblower mobile application "Maiyyam Whistle". He said that with his app, he is giving a tool for the common man to fight the condition of corruption in the state.
Also read T Subbarami Reddy (TSR) Star-studded Birthday Celebration
He visited the medical camps run by his fan club and met the people affected by the adverse raining conditions. Apart from this, he also launched his whistleblower mobile application "Maiyyam Whistle". He said that with his app, he is giving a tool for the common man to fight the condition of corruption in the state.
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