Renowned actor and businessman Sachiin Joshi who tied the knot with Model Urvashi Sharma in 2012 are all set to welcome their second child now. The couple had a baby shower which was no less than a fairytale.
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The couple is proud parents of a cute baby girl Samaira and hosted the baby shower at their residence in Pune. Urvashi looked fabulous in the white studded gown with her husband in traditional dress.
Urvashi was grateful to her sisters-in-law Hema and Meenakshi who organized a grand and lovely event. She also thanked her in-laws who initiated the event to welcome the couple’s second baby.
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The couple is proud parents of a cute baby girl Samaira and hosted the baby shower at their residence in Pune. Urvashi looked fabulous in the white studded gown with her husband in traditional dress.
Urvashi was grateful to her sisters-in-law Hema and Meenakshi who organized a grand and lovely event. She also thanked her in-laws who initiated the event to welcome the couple’s second baby.
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