As you get to an iconic benchmark there is indeed a need for celebration. Recently everyone’s loved actor Amitabh Bachchan stepped into 76th year of his life. The most famous celeb of Bollywood, popularly known as Big-B, celebrated his 75th birthday on 11th of October.
The party was hosted at a three-storey studio in Film City, which was booked for October 10. A sit-down dinner with hand-crafted name cards on every table, live performances and a who's who guest list was reportedly put together for Big B's birthday celebrations.
Apart from Mrs. Bachchan, son Abhishek, daughter-in-law Aishwarya and daughter Shweta Bachchan-Nanda, are oversaw every detail along with an event management company, with a lot of surprises in store too.
The party was hosted at a three-storey studio in Film City, which was booked for October 10. A sit-down dinner with hand-crafted name cards on every table, live performances and a who's who guest list was reportedly put together for Big B's birthday celebrations.
Apart from Mrs. Bachchan, son Abhishek, daughter-in-law Aishwarya and daughter Shweta Bachchan-Nanda, are oversaw every detail along with an event management company, with a lot of surprises in store too.
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