Swathi Reddy, the Russian Indian film actress celebrated her special day on 19th April 2018. The birthday girl turned 31 and on this occasion of happiness and cheers, she hosted a grand party for her near and dear friends.
Nikhil, Sudheer Varma, and Naveen Chandra attended the birthday party and enjoyed to their fullest.
Also read Anupama Parameswaran Birthday Celebrations 2018
The actress debuted in acting with Colours. She later made presence in some Tollywood and Kollywood films. Her films bombed at the box office and she is still waiting for the success in cinema.
She was last seen in the cinema London Babulu.
Nikhil, Sudheer Varma, and Naveen Chandra attended the birthday party and enjoyed to their fullest.
Also read Anupama Parameswaran Birthday Celebrations 2018
The actress debuted in acting with Colours. She later made presence in some Tollywood and Kollywood films. Her films bombed at the box office and she is still waiting for the success in cinema.
She was last seen in the cinema London Babulu.
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