Veteran Tollywood actor and producer Konidela Nagendra Babu rang into birthday on 29 October. Nagababu turned 56. The birthday boy celebrated his special day with Jabardasth movie’s team.
He cut the cake on the sets of the film while the teammates accompanied and cheered the birthday boy wishing him Happy Birthday. His teammates took many of the clicks including the entire cast and crew.
Nagababu is a popular character artist. He has acted as a supporting actor and played negative roles as well. Whereas in some cinema he played the lead character as well.
He cut the cake on the sets of the film while the teammates accompanied and cheered the birthday boy wishing him Happy Birthday. His teammates took many of the clicks including the entire cast and crew.
Nagababu is a popular character artist. He has acted as a supporting actor and played negative roles as well. Whereas in some cinema he played the lead character as well.
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