Renowned designer Shweta Agarwal partnered with Karan Ahuja to launch their store named Aroka at Bandra Mumbai. Many of the Bollywood divas marked their gracious presence at the store launch event on 13th April 2018.
Shilpa Shetty looked stupendous in maroon western style gown.
Tanishaa Mukerji was looking fabulous in crushed green lehenga with maroon low neck top which she paired up with golden heavy earrings.
Actress-cum-model Suchitra Pillai and Nisha Jamvwal too attended the do.
The store launch showcased the debut collection named ‘Rasleela’ along with the rich collection of cocktail gowns, bridal trousseau, and Indian fusion wear.
Shilpa Shetty looked stupendous in maroon western style gown.
Tanishaa Mukerji was looking fabulous in crushed green lehenga with maroon low neck top which she paired up with golden heavy earrings.
Actress-cum-model Suchitra Pillai and Nisha Jamvwal too attended the do.
The store launch showcased the debut collection named ‘Rasleela’ along with the rich collection of cocktail gowns, bridal trousseau, and Indian fusion wear.
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