Famed Bollywood singer Arjit Singh turned 31 on 25th April 2018. His journey from being a loser of the reality show to India’s best singing sensation is no less than a Bollywood chronicle.
He becomes famous as a male playback singer after his song “Phir Mohabbat” in Murder 2 and since then is ruling the hearts of youngsters in India.
Many of the Bollywood stars, his near and dear friends, and close relatives extend wishes and blessings to Arijit. His fan followers presented a handmade birthday card on his special day which made his day a somewhat more special for him.
He becomes famous as a male playback singer after his song “Phir Mohabbat” in Murder 2 and since then is ruling the hearts of youngsters in India.
Many of the Bollywood stars, his near and dear friends, and close relatives extend wishes and blessings to Arijit. His fan followers presented a handmade birthday card on his special day which made his day a somewhat more special for him.
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