Tamil film industry ace director Boyapati Srinu’s younger brother Boyapati Brahmananda Rao’s daughter Tejaswini got hitched on 28th April, 2018. It was a lavish star-studded wedding ceremony. The marriage held with south Indian customs and rituals.
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Close friends and the whole Boyapati family graced the wedding by their presence. Tollywood celebs Ram Charan, Balakrishna, Allu Aravind, and many other friends of the couple attended the wedding.
The ‘made for each other couple’ looked picture perfect with each other.
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The bride, Tejaswini looked stunning in the traditional trousseau. She was draped in red and golden Kanjivaram saree complementing it with heavy diamond jewelry whereas the groom looked dashing in golden sherwani.
The ‘made for each other couple’ looked picture perfect with each other.
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