The golden couple of Bollywood, Amitabh and Jaya Bachchan have reigned the industry for several decades now. But their eternal love story and saga of their wedding is the one that is adored and revered by people from all around the nation. It is amazing how the couple have surpassed all the testing times and emerged out strong, nearing over four decades of togetherness.
The couple met for the first time in the year 1970 at Pune Film Institute. It was the time when Amitabh Bachchan was still in the struggling phase while Jaya had already been an established star. Jaya was also a dedicated and a bright student of FTII.
Jaya Bachchan caught the attention of Amitabh when she appeared on the cover of a magazine and this is how Amitabh knew he had found his lady love, a woman who is blessed with facial features that perfectly are a depiction of a blend of her ethnic and western values.
Their love further blossomed during filming for ‘Guddi’ directed by Hrishikesh Mukherjee.
The wedding phase stuck the couple around the time of the release of the movie ‘Zanjeer’ in 1973. On a lighter note, the couple decided to celebrate the success of the movie in London, only to be received by a condition that they would have to be married first, in order to plan a travel.
The wedding took place in a small ceremony in accordance with Bengali tradition in Mumbai in the presence of close friends and family of Amitabh and Jaya.
Surprisingly enough, the much-awaited wedding did not take place at any of the residences of the bride and the groom with the intention to avoid the eyes of paparazzi. Instead, the families decided to choose the residence of one of their friend in Skylark Building in Malabar Hills.
The wedding was a very rush-rush affair with little or no time left for any sort of elaborate preparations. In spite of trying to keep the wedding under wraps, news flew by and people gathered outside the venue in large numbers to witness the biggest Bollywood wedding of the time.
Owing to the Bengali roots of the bride, the wedding took place in full Bengali customs and traditions.
Jaya looked magnificent in a bright red saree and to top it all, she adorned her ethnic look in a classic, traditional gold jewelry that simply accentuated her beauty and made her look like a fairy straight out of a fairytale. Amitabh too nailed the look in a white suit and together, they both looked splendid. With this, two hearts that had reigned the industry came together and have given us all serious relationship goals since then.
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