Yester year’s child artist, now a popular heroine of Tollywood, Saranya Mohan, tied the knot with a Thiruvananthapuram-based doctor, Aravind Krishnan. The duo secretly engaged in the middle of the year kept the wedding limited to family and close friends only.
The daughter of YKB Mohan and Kalamandalam Devi Mohan Saranya is also a professional Bharatnatyam dancer. Actress Saranya Mohan made her first acting debut as a child artist, with Fazil directed film Aniyathipraavu.
She has acted in Tamil, Malayalam and Hindi films. The blockbuster Tamil movies Velayudham and Yaaradi Nee Mohini got a breakthrough in her career. The actress told that she had known Dr. Aravind Krishnan for seven years and met him through a mutual friend. She also told that her quick engagement ceremony was due to the impending arrival of the Malayalam month Karikidakam and got engaged on July 12, 2015. Since Karikidakam is considered inauspicious for a new start and other auspicious ceremonies. Saranya’s engagement ceremony was a private ceremony with immediate family members.
Aravind Krishnan, who is a dentist by profession, is currently working as an assistant professor in a Dental College. Aravind is the son of Prof. Krishnan Nair and Prof. Anitha Nair also runs a dental clinic at Kovalam, Trivandrum.
The wedding of Saranya Mohan and Dr. Aravind Krishnan
South Indian actress Saranya and Dr. Aravind Krishnan got married on September 6, 2015, at Kaottankulangara Temple, Alappuzha. The wedding ceremony invitation sent to 3,000 guests included guest from the film industry as well as all the immediate family members and friends of both the families.
Kanjeevaram sarees and brides complement each other. The actress on her special day was spotted wearing a lavender and gold combination striped kanjeevaram saree with puff sleeve blouse.
She teamed up saree with traditional Kerala bridal gold studded jewelry to complete the bridal look.
The hairdo and the makeup of the actress Saranya on her wedding were just flawless and classy which she did on her own. She was looking like a doll on her special day. The best part about the Saranya’s wedding look was she was carrying entire jewelry from her braid accessory to wrist bangles in gold with her bridal outfit.
Even the groom Dr. Aravind Krishnan was the show stopper on his wedding day with a traditional outfit and complimented with a big smile on his face.
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Reception of the newlywed Actress Saranya and Dr. Aravind
Just as the wedding ceremony the newlywed couple hosted a grand reception after the wedding. The wedding reception was attended by many Mollywood celebrities including Namitha Pramod, Mrudula Murali, KPAC Lalitha, Sarayu Shilpa Bala, Rejith Menon, famous director Fazil and Siddique among others.
Even industrialists, politicians, and many other recognized personalities were spotted at the wedding reception to bless newlywed on their special day. Saranya just as her wedding kanjeevaram saree was rocking in her half orange and gold reception kanjeevaram saree with puff sleeves blouse.
We wish the newlywed actress Saranya Mohan and Dr. Aravinda Krishnan a happy married life!
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