Popular South Indian actress from the yester years, Jayachitra has been a beloved public figure in her cherished times. She was in news recently for the wedding of her loved son Amresh Ganesh, in what can be said to be a glitzy star-studded affair. Amresh Ganesh, a prominent music composer from down South got married to his long-term companion, Keerthi Ganesh.
The wedding day was quite a busy day for the family of the bride and the groom with preparations in full swing. The décor was exquisite in its own kind and every bit of it spoke about a number of efforts that had gone into making it to the big day. Surprisingly though, the bride had her ethnic ensemble that was perfectly color coordinated with her mom to be.
Keerthi Hanusha looked so ethereal in a maroon and purple silk saree with golden intricate threadwork. The groom had a perfect look dating back his roots to the South Indian tradition and custom. Together, they made a perfect couple who took part in all preceding of the wedding in all its glory and with full endeavor.
The venue chosen for the wedding reception was Raja Mutthaiah hall in Chennai. The beautiful bride was a sight to behold and she looked absolutely stunning in a gold and orange Kanchipuram saree. The highlight of her ensemble was the heavily embellished orange blouse with amazingly decorated short length sleeves.
She styled her look with heavy gold necklace and a gold choker necklace that accentuated her beauty. She was also succinct and clear on her choice of accessories and chose gold bangles, an elaborate nose ring and waist band, also in gold making.
The groom, on the other end, was at par with his gorgeous bride looking absolutely dapper in a black tuxedo with a stylish and sleek black bow tie. His French beard stood out and did wonders for him all through.
The mother of the groom, actress Jayachitra looked quite a stunner herself wearing a light pink and off white Kanchipuram saree with long pink embellished sleeves.
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