Kannada Actor Ashwin Kakumanu tied his wedding knot with Sonali. The actor was dating this textile designing postgraduate lady for quite some time. There was a grand wedding in Chennai on December 23, 2016, to mark the celebration.
For the wedding ceremony, both groom and the bride were wearing traditional and elegant attires. Our groom was wearing the traditional kurta and dhoti in white and the lady wore a beautiful dark maroon silk saree with elegant jewelry pieces in gold. Necklace, maang tikka, bangles and matching earrings, everything Sonali wore was just perfect including her pretty smile.
In the reception also they chose to wear quite simple attires. Sonali chose to wear Maroon saree with her hair let down and Ashwin chose to wear a fabulous suit.
The couple just complemented each other quite fondly during the entire ceremony.
The wedding reception was fully star-studded and who’s who of Kollywood were in full attendance. The couple was blessed by many stars like Vijay Sethupathi, Kreshna, Karthik Srinivasan, Vaibhav, Gautham Menon (Director), Krish, Ajay Raj, Lakshmi Priyaa Chandramouli, Venkat Prabhu and many more such personalities came to meet the couple in Chennai.
We wish the couple a great life and happiness ahead.
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