Malayalam Actress Jyothi Krishnan very fondly known for her role as “Lakshmi Kutty” in Dulquer Salman starrer Njan got engaged recently in a private ceremony. Now, the actress is all set to tie the knot with her love, Arun.
Though she played the role of a blind girl in the film she caught the minds and hearts of the audience and from then on there was no looking back for her. She acted in many movies, to name a few are the life of Jose Kutty, Pathiramanal and God for sake.
The best part is that her fiancé is also from the film Industry. Arun Ananda Raja is the elder brother of Classmates movie actress Radhika. Currently, Arun is working in a company in Dubai.
The engagement ceremony was a private affair that took place in Thrissur on 26, May 2017. The actress was seen in a Royal Blue silk saree while the groom complimented her in a sherwani of the same color.
The actress took to social media to declare her engagement news. The couple is all set to tie the knot in November. Here’s to wishing the couple a happy and successful life.
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